Simplifying your operation...
World-class software for ports, terminals and warehouses.
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What we offer
Autostore TOS
Terminal operating system for marine and inland container cargo facilities.
Terminal operating system for bulk and multi-purpose terminals.
Autostore WMS
Powerful warehouse management system and software control tools for single and multiple site warehouses.
Warehouse Automation
Turnkey automation systems and equipment control solutions for warehouse environments.
Industrial Automation
Innovative control software for automated installations in demanding industrial environments.
Success Stories
Samskip, Vogabakki Terminal, Reykjavik, Iceland
ABP Newport
Encirc, Vidrala Group, Elton Cheshire, UK
About TBA Group
TBA Group is a globally operating software company that uses cutting-edge software to optimise the logistic processes of ports, container terminals, airports, manufacturing plants and other logistic systems all over the world.
Latest News from TBA
TBA Launches Webinar Series Focusing on TOS & WMS Products
Another successful TOC Europe exhibiton
Hugely successful User Group Conference for TBA
Speak to an expert
We're always happy to discuss your requirements in more detail, either via email or a face-to-face video call. If you'd like to arrange a call or ask a specific question, just get in touch.
"TBA provided us with a well-balanced terminal plan, despite our challenging site contraints."
David Huck
Port Director, Peel Ports Liverpool