Predicting the impact of Brexit on logistics

1 min read
Jan 1, 2019 10:00:00 AM


Dutch ports and terminals using TBA’s expertise to predict the impact of Brexit on logistics

Dutch ports and terminals are using TBA’s expertise to predict the impact of required additional truck queuing space due to longer gate processes at customs as a possible result of Brexit.

As we speed towards the deadline of the UK leaving the EU, Brexit will have consequences on the cargo transport per truck to and from the UK. The logistics at ferry terminals, with its time-critical processes, can be disrupted seriously and may result in serious congestions and delays. The impact of these logistics disruptions depends on audits carried out by various inspecting institutions like the customs and the “NVWA” – Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority.  
TBA uses advanced in-house developed models to determine the extra time needed for trucks to do their checks once the Brexit takes effect. These models can also determine the required additional space to accommodate the trucks being processed. TBA has defined various possible scenarios to account for uncertainties in the duration of truck checks at terminals.
Port operators are better prepared using the outcomes of TBA’s analyses as bottlenecks are forecasted. With this information, mitigation plans can be formulated and the necessary preparations can be set in place for the impending Brexit.