20th February 2025


Fast, Smart & Powerful Container TOS


Autostore TOS optimises containerised cargo management, controling all container moves, manual and automated assets, people and management information across single or multi-terminal sites in real-time.

This webinar will take a deep dive into Autostore TOS, examining its functionality, capabilities, and why it's the popular choice for over 30 terminals around the world.


Target Audience

This webinar is aimed at professionals in the container terminal sector considering adopting a TOS to manage their operations. 

No pre-existing knowledge or experience of terminal operating systems is required - we will explain through real-world examples the differences a sophisticated TOS can make to your terminal. 

About the webinar

Everything you need to know

Meet Your Hosts


Wim Verdonck
Head of TOS

Wim lives and breathes container terminal operations. With a 20-year career in container ports, Wim has a deep and thorough understanding of terminals – how they work, the people and processes involved, and the problems and challenges they can encounter.

Register your place

To secure your place on this webinar, just completed this form.

You will receive an email confirming your registration and then, on the day of the webinar, we'll send you an email with a link to join the webinar on Microsoft Teams. 

Got a question?

If you have a query or concern regarding the webinar, or you would like to arrange a one-on-one call with one of our experts to discuss you precise requirements, just get in touch.