Industrial Automation Software

Industrial Automation software and equipment control solutions encompassing Bulk, Terminal, Infrastructure, Mining, Waste Recycling, Automatic Crane, Manufacturing and Warehouse applications.

Allowing you to
increase efficiency

Proven automation software that enhances business continuity to keep your operations running at maximum efficiency - 24/7 support offers complete peace of mind.


Giving you tools to
improve performance

Delivering process, safety and performance improvement in complex semi and fully automated environments.


Improving your
operational control

Fixed, programmable and flexible automation solutions, that reduce risk, cut OPEX and boost productivity.


Speak to an expert

Get in touch to arrange to speak with one of our industrial automation experts, who will be able to answer your questions and give you all the information you need. 

Why choose TBA industrial automation software solutions?

Our automation and equipment control solutions are proven worldwide in a wide range of applications, environments and industries. They give you the tools, control, oversight, safety and risk management capabilities you need to optimise, future-proof and simplify your automated operations.

Improve Performance

Maximise CAPEX and minimise OPEX with intelligent automation solutions & 24/7 support service.

Proven Solution

Proven in automated bulk cargo handling, mining, waste management, manufacturing and enterprise warehouse environments.

Powerful Integration

Integration with automated material handling systems and hardware from leading manufacturers.

Turnkey automation for industrial applications

Equipment control software solutions developed by fully qualified Engineers with multi-sector, multi-discipline experience. Ensures optimised automation applications for performance improvement and longevity.

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